Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My Labyrinth. Day 3

So I need more structure in my schedule. I have too much free time on my hands now. I do however have a million lists of things I SHOULD be doing...but isn't happening! Why? Because I'm an adult and I don't feel like it right now. Make sense?

But this is a turning point in my life. In fact I've hit so many turning points in my life that I swear I am trapped in some sort of labyrinth. I'm not sure if there is a Minotaur chasing me, or if he is around the next turn. Thankfully the last few turns I have not found him...but he is there...waiting to devour turn my life upside down and sideways.

So which way am I turning? Left? Right? Up? Down? Maybe I should just stand still and see what happens. Maybe all of these walls change places as soon as I walk past? Stay put and gather all of the pieces together before I make my move. Sounds like a I can add that to my list of things to do. HA

But slowly things have been changing and being put into place. I have stopped dating/actively dating. I have deleted the dating sites and have made it very known to many friends and family that I am no longer searching. I thought my life was ready to add a man into it, but I was wrong...and that is okay.

No serious harm done. One broken heart...but I have a good first aid kit with plenty of Band-Aids. Peel one open...stick it on...and off I go. I'm used to it. I give myself a few minutes in the morning to be hurt...then I move on. I pick myself up and brush myself off. I put on my sexy black boots, and cute new dress. I let my hair fall over my shoulders and give a small smile. Then slowly...The boots come off. The dress is hung back up. My hair is tied back into a messy bun. And the smile....the smile becomes a small shrug.

And life goes on......

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